Coaching for Gifted and Highly Sensitive Profiles

To live your own way with pleasure and serenity

Become who you are

Karine Franz

My name is Karine Franz, with a O as offbeat.

When the psychologist at work identified me as gifted, she gave me a clue to understand myself. The track turned out to be winding and longer than I imagined. It took me 9 months (strangely in sync with the duration of a pregnancy) for me to truly connect with what this possible label meant to me.

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Gifted and Highly
Sensitive Profiles

Adult, Parent, Partner, …

Through my coaching, I bring you to understand yourself, respect yourself, listen to you. I am an open door to your own potential, for a fulfilling relationship with yourself and others.

Whatever the area of your life on which you feel in difficulty, I support you on the path of your own understanding, acceptance and transformation.

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and Leader

Through my offer, I put at your disposal nearly 15 years of experience as a leader in competitive sectors (automotive and aeronautics industries), more than 10 years of experience in performance coaching and an innovative approach, based on motivational neuroscience, to unleash the potential of your company’s talents

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What’s Up Doc ?

By Visio
12-week training program starting in Q2 24 – French language

How to get friend with my emotions

Theory & Practices 

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By Visio
Next one by June 24 – French language

How to get friend with my Highly Sensitive Profile
as a way to self-acceptance

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By Visio
Next one Sept 24 – French Language

Understand and Handle Anger

Theory & Practices

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Customer testimonial

Karine accompanied me for several months for a highlight of my functioning and a revelation in my eyes of who I really am. By dint of conforming to society, to my surroundings, I did not really see my true essence. I am now launched to accept myself as I am and unleash my potential that has been stifled for too long. A big thank you to Karine for what she has: a person with a natural ability to guide, a keen sense of analysis, relevant, fast, efficient and precise. A real COACH with a big C and on top of that a real beautiful person with beautiful values and a very beautiful soul. What she has done with her work is what I would describe as exceptionally pro and effective. I recommend with a big R.

The last year of working with Karine has allowed me to connect with my true goals and how they relate to my core values. This led to a complete change in perception and led to tangible results both personally and professionally. It wasn’t all easy and I want to thank Karine once again for quickly identifying the areas that needed attention, as well as for her patience and endurance.

Why Karine and not someone else?
Karine is truly an inspiring person! At first glance, it is recognized for its dynamism and energy. By discovering it, we understand that it also has the ability to reassure you, understand you and help you without judgment! She is always smiling and is really interested in the person she has in front of her and that’s what I appreciate about her: her authenticity! 

The second reason I love working with her is her outspokenness! She is cash, goes to the end of things and really tries to understand you! 

Then because she accompanies the High Potentials and she is too, it makes the difference because she lives the same things as these customers and it is for this reason that she understands us so well!

What does it bring me?
It helps me to better understand my workings, manage my emotions, organize my thousands of thoughts and especially to accept myself as an HP, which is not always easy!

I would recommend her with my eyes closed! She’s a great coach!

A unique experience during which I felt listened to and understood. Adapted appointments, without judgment and in all benevolence. A real work of accompaniment where I felt supported in my approach. I saw myself evolve, each session giving me the confidence to tell me that I was in my place professionally. Personally, I learned to take care of myself, identify my own needs and embrace letting go. I stopped breathing in apnea and learned to appreciate every breath of oxygen.