To live you own way with pleasure and serenity

The donkey and the zebra

I customise my coaching to your needs

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You have a Gifted Profile if :

  • Your IQ test has been on average over 130 (French scale) 
  • You think very quickly, and you think 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
  • You feel everything and your inner volume is set high
  • You are over engaged, over committed

You have a Highly Sensitive Profile if you:

  • Think in a tree-like way, giving you the feeling that your brain is constantly ‘grinding’
  • Feel everything so much that you are sometimes overwhelmed by our own emotions, or the emotions of others
  • Are over engaged, over committed
  • You keep thinking about something while you know it puts you down… Like thinking is beyond your control

I’m your challenging supporter (to solve a problem or achieve a goal)

  • Become friend with your uniqueness (Gifted and / or Highly Sensitive Profile)
  • Self-acceptance, assertiveness, dare to be yourself
  • Improve your relationships with others (partner, family, child, at work)
  • Take care of yourself and learn how to satisfy your own needs
  • Reconnect with your emotions
  • Get the best out of your brain and your emotions : Play at your strengths
  • Learn to communicate your needs
  • Gain confidence in yourself and your potential
  • Define your strategies to meet your own goals
  • Set the appropriate balance between personal and professional life
  • Find your sense of purpose, your reason for being and make it happen
  • Find out what it means to be you, as a human being

My Standard Process to start with

  • Get to know each other

    1st contact

    By phone, video, or face-to-face

  • Duration

    30 minutes

    Objective: to validate each other

  • What do you need?

    What is your goal? Which issue you want to get rid of?

  • 1st contact price

    Free of Charge

  • Schedule of sessions

    Date, frequency, content

    Average duration: 1 hour for an Adult, 40mn for a child or a teenager, 1h30mn for a love coaching
    Number and frequency: depending on your needs

    Some questions to be taken out… Homework to be planned !

  • Price per slot

    • 60€ Tax included for children and teenagers (30mn slot)
    • 80€ Tax included for Adult (40mn slot)
    • Love Coaching : quotation on demand

    Payment: in advance by bank transfer
    Cancellation policy: notify 48 hours in advance
    Any session not cancelled within this deadline is due